PROGRAM NAME: ProMenu VERSION: 2.1 PUBLISHER: Greg Peters, 8675 Ballantrae Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 PHONE: (719) 282-0605 PREFERRED BBS FILENAME: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: mouse, Windows 3.1 or higher SHORT DESCRIPTION: Program that brings any application's menus to your mouse. Also provides context-sensitive menus and "menus" based on mouse motion. DESCRIPTION: ProMenu brings 5 context-sensitive menus to any combination of your mouse's 3 buttons. These menus are the application's menu, a special caption menu, a border menu, a desktop menu, and a custom menu whose items you may specify. ProMenu also lets you define commands that are based on mouse motion - simply move and click the mouse to execute a command. For example, with ProMenu you can quickly scroll (or page) any window without having to move the mouse all the way over to the scroll bars. You may fully configure the look and feel of all your promenus. Colors, fonts, 3D appearance - even such features as exploding menus, transparent menus, and which mouse buttons bring up which menus are under your control. ProMenu also provides several advanced features such as: allowing applications and ProMenu to share the same mouse button, being able to rapidly "rotate" to any open application's menu (even if the application is just an icon), and fast application launching without having to go through Program Manager. ProMenu does all this without taking up any screen space. Hence, you may focus on what you want to do, rather than on the tools that help you do it. KEYWORDS: Menus, Utility, Productivity Tool, Task Launcher, Desktop Manager. REGISTRATION: $25, plus $5 shipping and handling. REGISTERED USERS GET: 1. The current version. 2. A printed manual. 3. Notification of upgrades. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED: Individual users may copy this disk, share it with friends and family, and upload it to your favorite BBSs. Nonprofit groups (including user groups and BBSs) and for-profit groups (including distributors and dealers) may distribute copies of this software. If the files on this disk are more than 1 year old, please contact me for a free upgrade to the current version. Anyone distributing copies of this software, whether for profit or as a nonprofit organization, must conform to the following: The following 4 files may not be modified or adapted in any way: promenu2.exe, pmutil2.dll, promenu2.hlp, and readme.txt. These files must all be distributed together. Additional files may be added and this software may be combined on a disk with other programs. This software may not be represented as anything other than shareware and the shareware concept must be explained in any ad or catalog that includes this software and on any packaging used to display the disk. COMMENTS: I am very interested in any and all comments, suggestions, and criticisms. Programs can always be better and feedback makes it happen. Thank you. -Greg Peters 11/7/94